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Archives for April 2018

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Who is the Holy Spirit


Who is he? He is in the beginning Coequal with the divine father and son God from God Perfect in essence United in substance Distinct in person He is Holy God, the unchanging one Power and might Silence and song Fire and Fragrance He is the very breath of God Hovering over the deep In the darkness he is light In the void his is creator In the decay he is sus...

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But Some Doubted: Jesus’ Response to the Hesitation of our Hearts


But Some Doubted: Jesus' Response to the Hesitation of our Hearts This past Saturday, I experienced one of the greatest challenges of my life: coaching Sammy and Avvy's preschool soccer team. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it was legitimately very difficult. The weather had taken an unexpected turn from sunny and 80 degrees the day before to mid-fortie...

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