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Archives for March 2018

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The Torn Veil


How a Torn Piece of Fabric is the Greatest Hope for Humanity It's funny to me how many adults my kids know. I love that our church is a place where they have so many eemos (Korea for aunt) and uncles as a parent it gives me so much joy to know that they are well loved by my brothers and sisters in Christ. It gives me even more joy because they're experience with adults i...

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How the Weakness of Jesus Rescues Us From Humanity’s Vain Pursuit of Strength


Weakness How the Weakness of Jesus Rescues Us From Humanity's Vain Pursuit of Strength I hate feeling weak and nothing made me feel weaker when I was a kid than being an immigrant. My family immigrated to the U.S. from South Korea just before my fourth birthday, and growing up I had a very complicated relationship with my Koreanness. On the one hand I appreciated that I ...

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The Contradiction of Christian Passivity


I'm a father of three amazing girls Samantha (almost 5), Avonlea (3) and Joanna (1). I have to say, I'm grateful to be a father of daughters, especially after hearing stories from all the boy-dads at our church. Chris, our lead pastor, and I were talking the other day about the curious case of middle children being surprisingly aggressive against their older siblings. As ...

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The Potter’s Field: Jeremiah, Zechariah, and a Very Confusing Prophecy


This past Sunday, in our Matthew's Passion series, we took a deeper look at Matthew 27:1-10 to understand what God's word has to say about the idea of humanity's attempts to justify (or make right, to be in right standing) themselves before God, before others, and with themselves. It's a challenging passage for sure; most people focus in on Judas' absolute spiral into desp...

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