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Archives for April 2017

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Forever Marriage vs. Serial Monogamy

Whenever I meet with couples for counseling, many want to know the secret to a long lasting marriage. They want their marriage to last forever. They will marvel at the divorce rate, see their friends struggling, and wonder if it is possible to actually make it to "till death do us part." As I have been pondering our next sermon series at WBCC, I have been thinking about wh...

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What The Hell?

Being that today is Good Friday, I find myself thinking about the cross even more than usual. What it means. Why it's "good." And how all of this effects me. I mean, is it reallythatbig of a deal? So many of us have heard so many of the same great explanations before, (and yes, those things do bear repeating) but instead of only concentrating on "Jesus saves," I find myse...

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More Than Morality

"Integrity" is a buzzy, trendy word that is often talked about in business or group settings: everyone wants to have people on their team that will display integrity. The company I work for has six core values we interview and hire people based off of, and one of those is integrity. In my position, I have interviewed several people, and one question I always ask the candid...

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