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Archives for September 2013

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See You At The Pole

This morning, thousands of students in countries all over the world gathered at their school flagpoles to pray for their schools, teachers, cities, and each other. It was See You At The Pole (or SYATP). Growing up in Houston, SYATP was always something I looked forward to. It was a chance to take a step back and know that I wasn't the only one who put my trust in Jesus, ...

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What are You Worth?

What are you worth as a human being? I remember growing up always hearing about guys like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, how they were "worth" billions of dollars. Just this year, in fact, Forbes magazine put old Billy's net worth at 67 billion dollars. BILLION What's funny about the idea of net worth is that it really makes you think, "Well, what am I worth?" If we're...

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What is righteousness?

In a culture that is constantly working to convince us that our joy is found in clothes, gadgets, parties, sex, or achievement, the book of Philippians is a refreshing dose of reality for us. AtThe Wellwe have been working through this letter as Paul points us again and again toward rejoicing in Jesus, and not the fleeting pleasures of the world, or the selfish ambitions w...

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God and Numbers

Does God Value Numbers? In his sermon on Sunday, Chris said that God values numbers, because numbers represent people. When I first heard it, I wasn't sure he was right. As an Executive Pastor I look at numbers and spreadsheets and systems and processes a lot to try and find where we are doing well, and how we can be more effective where we aren't doing so well. I've alwa...

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