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Archives for October 2013

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Sexual Immorality and the gospel

AtThe Well, we are doing a two-part series on the letter ofJude. In this short book, Jude reminds Christians of the seriousness of sin, the mercy of God, and the need to contend for the faith by believing and preaching the gospel. A few verses in, Jude hammers on the ungodliness of sexual immorality, and how it should have no place in the church. WHAT IS SEXUAL IMMORALITY...

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Is the Bible Reliable?

Nearly all of this information was taken from Dr. Dan Wallace's bookReinventing Jesus, which was written largely as a response to Dr. Bart Ehrman's work attempting to discredit the Bible's reliability. You can also find Dr. Wallace at the Dallas Theological website: Special thanks to Dr. Will Johnson of DTS Houston who spent a semester teaching me this Text Cri...

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Replace Anxiety with Jesus

We are continuing through Paul's letter to the Philippians atThe Well, and have arrived on the topic of anxiety this Tuesday. In chapter four, Paul says this to the Philippian church, "do not be anxious about anything" (v.6). WHAT IS ANXIETY? Anxiety is when we freak out and stress out over our lives. Many times it sinks in over something small like being late somewhere,...

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