Vision Night
Why you should come to Vision Night
The Well officially begins the year with Vision Night on January 24 at 8PM at the Live for More Center. So the question is “why should I come to Vision Night?” You really need to first understand what God has done through the Well for the past several years, in order to fully grasp the importance of Vision Night. Here’s where the Well has been:
- Spring 2012: Began “Last Wednesdays” at Kenny’s Coffee with about 8 people
- Fall 2012: Began “The Well” at Kenny’s Coffee with about 20 people
- Fall 2012: Incorporated “Last Tuesdays” which drew around 75 young adults
- Spring 2013: Kenny’s closed down and moved The Well to the Live for More Center
- Since then, hundreds of young adults have experienced the Well on Tuesday nights
Unlike Spirit-filled church services, welcoming children’s ministries, and unifying marriage retreats, the least-addressed demographic of people in churches throughout America is that of young adults. Our church considers young adults to be those who are at least 18 years old and typically in their twenties and early thirties. Most of the time, but not all, young adults are singles as well. Young adulthood is the most forgotten life stage in the church.
The Well is a ministry dedicated to young adults! We are excited to not only keep the successes of the past but to walk boldly into the future of this ministry. In Acts chapter 16, when Paul was on his second missionary journey and was walking the territory of Asia, the Bible says in verse 6, “And they went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia.” So Paul and his crew were stopped, not allowed by God to do the very thing they were called to do…share the life-changing reality of Jesus Christ. So, they started to move westward to other groups to share Jesus and were again told by God in verse 7, “but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them.” So what did they do? The Bible shows how Paul remained faithful to the calling to share the gospel and ultimately received the “Macedonian Call” to go down to Troas, catch a boat, and head across the Mediterranean Sea to Macedonia, where he not only shared the gospel but began churches in Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, and Corinth. Paul was faithful to follow the call to share the gospel and the Lord showed him where to go.
Over the past six weeks, I believe that God has given us our “Macedonian Call”! I am going to share the vision of where God is leading this ministry for its next days ahead. So, why should you come to the Well for Vision Night on January 24? To be on the front lines of a ministry that is advancing its vision to reach young adults with the life-changing reality of Jesus Christ. I pray that you will come, that you will listen, that you will catch this vision like I have, and that you will go with us to our “Macedonia”.
-Joe Seestadt
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