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Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there were none of them”
(Psalm 139:16) 

Before you ever experienced a single day, God had a plan for all of your days. He has a purpose for your life, and he has had a purpose for your life from long before you were ever born. God is involved in your life, whether you want to believe that or not, from before you were born, to all the days spent growing in the womb, through toddler and teenage years, to this very day that you are reading this, and every day that will come after. God is sovereignly, intimately involved in the life of every human being. So what does that mean for us and how we view God, and what does it mean for how we view one another?


Beginning this Tuesday we will enter into a short new series at The Well entitled “LIFE“, with the subtitle, “The gift of life and the grace of God”. This series will be focused on what God’s word says about what human life is, when it begins, what its purpose is, and why it matters so deeply to God (and therefore should matter to us). We will also be looking at the grace of God that is available to us in Jesus even though none of us have valued and honored the gift of life as God has called us to. We will spend 3 weeks together in this series, in the following order:

  • WEEK 1 – The image of God and life in the womb
  • WEEK 2 – The nature of God and the gospel
  • WEEK 3 – The adoptive heart of God the Father


Our hope for this series is to let the word of God inform our minds and hearts about how to think of human life, the unborn, the small, the weak, and the orphan. While some of these issues have political implications, they are not primarily political issues, but are theological, moral, and spiritual issues that are deeply involved with the heart of God, as revealed in the word of God. Beyond that, we hope that we would see how God values our own lives, and has a purpose for our own lives, for his glory, that begins long before we are even beginning to be formed in the womb and extends into eternity.

See you Tuesday at 8pm!

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