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Do you have faith in prayer?

“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity” (1 Timothy 1-2: emphasis added).

My prayer was answered this week!
Here’s the scoop: I am a teacher and I hate my job. So, I have been fervently praying and pleading with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit to let us have a snow day or at least a delay. David and I have had something every night for two solid weeks and practically all of February so it was much needed! Well, on Tuesday we got a delay! There was no inclement weather so there shouldn’t have been a delay, but as an intern, I don’t get phone calls from the district and my mentor forgot to tell me we even had delay… So, of course I arrive at school two hours before I needed to. Isn’t God hilarious? So, I prayed, my prayer was answered, but I didn’t actually get any extra sleep..
The point of my story is that prayer is powerful regardless of its silliness. Does God care if school is cancelled? No, I don’t think so. He does care about his children, though, and I, his daughter, was in desperate need. Now, God cares for ALL his children. Every human on this EARTH, and he calls us to pray for ALL, even that annoying kid brother or person in the next booth at work. This also includes that political leader you don’t agree with so pray and when you’re doing so, don’t just ask and ask and ask. Instead, thank the Lord for He is good! Praise the Lord for He is worthy of praise!

Bask in his presence for He is glorious!

Whoever you are and regardless of how many times you have rejected Him, He loves you and wants you. God’s destiny for every human that has, is or will walk this earth is to “be saved and to understand the truth” (vs. 4). This includes EVERYONE. Now, we have the freedom to say yes or no. I love Jesus and cherish our relationship but there are so many who have said no and if this is their answer on that last day they will be damned for eternity. We are mandated to GO and TELL others about Christ and to pray for ALL people. Jesus “gave his life to purchase our freedom for everyone” (vs. 6a).
You can give up your coolness to obey and tell the awesome news of Jesus even when society says to keep it to yourself. Go tell it to the masses that He is God
I pray, quickly, for our President. I pray for wisdom, discernment and peace as he makes decisions. I pray that you would protect him, watch over him and open his eyes to see how AMAZING you are! Continue making America a place where we “can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity” (vs 2b).
Your daughter,
Grace Prindle

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